Plugin Tag: pre
Code Prettify
(18 total ratings)100% automatic code highlighting using the Prettify library. No shortcodes, no classnames, fully automatic and pure awesome.
TinyMCE Preformatted
(2 total ratings)TinyMCE Preformatted plugin will enable to insert preformatted text like <pre>…</pre> to WordPress Visual Editor.
Prism Syntax Highlighter
(0 total ratings)Prism is a new lightweight, extensible syntax highlighter, built with modern web standards in mind, by
bbPress Code Snippets
(1 total ratings)Automatically display HTML/PHP code posted in bbPress topics and replies.
(0 total ratings)WP-Markdown-SyntaxHighlighter works in conjunction with Markdown-formatted code blocks and SyntaxHighlighter to properly format code.
(0 total ratings)WP Markdown Syntax Sugar is a simple plugin that works in conjunction with Markdown code blocks and highlight.js to properly format code.
Goodbye Syntax Highlighter
(1 total ratings)For years I've used Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter. It has served me well over the years. When I moved to WordPress I tried various plu …
Codeblocks Extended with PrismJS
(0 total ratings)Codebocks Extended with PrismJS includes syntax highlighting, copy to clipboard, and Visual + Text editor integration.
pre Tag For WP Editor
(0 total ratings)This WordPress plugin will help you add pre tags into wp_editor.
Annytab Code Prettify
(0 total ratings)A lightweight plugin that automatically prettifies code in [pre] tags, with linenumbers and without line-breaks.
(0 total ratings)This plugin will simply define the css for HTML Preformatted and Code tags. Just download the plugin and activate. Please go through with F.A.Q .