Plugin Tag: redirect
Artesans Search Redirect
(1 total ratings)Allows maching words or sentences to urls with the WordPress Search.
WP login/out link with login popup
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds login/ logout link in the navigation menu accordinng to the user login status and then redirect to page/link set by admin.
(0 total ratings)bbRedirector makes it easy to redirect a page to another location using absolute urls.
Redirect Single Article Tags
(0 total ratings)When tags only have one article associated with it, this plugin will redirect links to the associated article instead of the tag page.
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to create simple redirect requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.
Shortener URL Redirect
(0 total ratings)Generate short url for all posts, custom post types and pages to redirect your user to the long URL. No more long URLs share!
Force To Terms & Conditions
(0 total ratings)Force To Updated Terms & Conditions plugin work for logged in user. So user will redirect to terms page automatically or notified term notice at t …
Custom Search URL
(0 total ratings)Plugin lets you replace default search page syntax "?s" in wordpress search page with the word you choose.
Redirect Old Links
(1 total ratings)Did you change your permalink structure and now have old links "404ing"? I'll redirect those old links to their new one for you.
Wonkasoft Logout
(0 total ratings)Wonkasoft Logout is a simple plugin for the adding of a redirect.
(0 total ratings)Trying to hide a post, page or any custom post types from your website? or just redirecting them to another URL in a specified way? or maybe both?
Smart Addons for Elementor
(0 total ratings)Smart Addons for Elementor Plugin adds new elements to brings you the most smart and trendy design to your Elementor page builder.
LHL Environment Indicator, Email Redirect and Email Reroute
(0 total ratings)Colors the Admin bar to indicate the environment you're currently in, it can redirect and reroute outgoing emails.
(0 total ratings)The Shortcode [jump_link] directs visitors to a Jump-Page where you can put adds and so on before the visitors will be directed to the requested page.
TPG Redirect
(2 total ratings)if a user is not logged in, redirect to site specified site or show page with user defined message.
Hetjens Feed Redirect
(0 total ratings)This plug-in redirect reqests to the main or comment feed of the blog to Feedburner or a similar service.
Backend Startpage Customizer
(0 total ratings)Redirect the user after login to a predetermined site in the backend.
Pebble 301 Redirects
(1 total ratings)Pebble 301 Redirects is a simple tool to manage redirects on your Wordpress site.